Chapter 33: Family business

Amice was so excited about the expected bundle of joy that she wouldn’t stop talking about it to anyone who’d listen.


Late one night when she was down in the pantry getting herself a midnight snack, she went into labour!


She delivered a bouncing baby boy who they called James.


Everyone in the family was besotted with the child – to the point where Amice had to lock herself in the nursery to get any alone time with her son at all (and also so that poor James could get some sleep and not have relatives playing with and feeding him 24/7).


Meanwhile, Adelina had grown into a beautiful and ambitious young lady.


She enjoyed flower arranging.


She’d sworn to herself that she’d never be poor as her parents had been, so she decided to start selling her arrangements – even though the family had no need of any financial contribution from her at all.

Adelina had seen how volatile wealth could be and she feared that Marissa and Simon would pass away, leaving William – a falconer of all things – as the sole provider for his expanding family.

She set up a small flower shop at the edge of the property, selling her arrangements on weekends.


Start reading at the beginning

Adelina’s stunning dress is Teen Regency Dress from All About Style.

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