Chapter 38: Full House

Time passed. Amice and William grew older but remained as in love as they’d ever been.


Adelina’s small florist did so well that she was able to buy herself a shop on Main Street and hire staff to help her run it.


Her flowers were so fragrant that they put everyone who entered her shop into a good mood and business boomed.


James, the eldest of Amice and William’s children, was inspired by her and started tinkering with machines in hopes of becoming a great inventor and starting his own business one day.


Although Amice had pressured him to take a wife since he’d come of age, he showed little interest in anything but accumulating wealth.


Their second child, Harry, was a gentle soul who loved music and art.


Unfortunately this meant that his head was often stuck in the clouds and he battled academically, narrowly escaping being sent to military school.

Their youngest, Jonny, was active and outdoorsy like his father.


But with everything else happening on the estate that had grown into a giant home packed with people, he did not get much attention.


So Jonny had an imaginary bunny friend who’d come to visit him when he was lonely.


And who wasn’t creepy at all. No, not at all.

The happy family life in the estate came to an abrupt halt when Marissa inexplicably collapsed.


She did not make it through the night. Simon took the loss of his dear wife incredibly hard.


It was not long before he followed her into the next life.


Though his children and grandchildren were devastated, it was a small comfort that his portrait would forever watch over them.


Start reading at the beginning

Custom content shout-outs

My little house (little, ha!) is entering the Victorian Era now. Some of the critical Victorian goodies to make the look:

Wallpapers from the 1860s and 1870s by fruitsymphony
Victorian-Gothic Set by Adele
Homey Touches: The Nursery Set~ 16 New Meshes by sweetswami77 

Chapter 37: Adelina’s ambition

Adelina’s birthday was around the corner, the birthday when she came of age as a young lady of influence. On the surface all seemed well.
snapshot_c07a927a_0182aa55 She enjoyed playing with her nephews and got on well with the rest of the family. William even invited his academy friends to the estate to meet her, secretly hoping for a match. snapshot_c07a927a_2182b4ff But Adelina did not seem to fancy anyone. snapshot_c07a927a_c182b623 Little did the family know, Adelina was deeply depressed. snapshot_c07a927a_4182aef8 She hated life as a woman of leisure, feeling purposeless. snapshot_c07a927a_c182af70 She was sent to visit the local doctor, but he was of little help. He told her she was simply being stubborn and refusing to accept that as a woman – a woman of colour no less – she should be grateful for her lot in life. Marissa, a working woman herself, was much more sympathetic. When she became aware of Adelina’s condition, she presented her with a gift. snapshot_c07a927a_6182b021 It was a lamp, the same lamp that had helped her years before. snapshot_c07a927a_e182b076 When the genie appeared and asked Adelina what her wish was, Adelina broke down in tears. snapshot_c07a927a_a182b0c9 “I wish I wasn’t purposeless, uneducated and uninspired.” snapshot_c07a927a_a182b0f3 Suddenly, she started to feel better. She spun around and saw her flower-arranging desk and had the most wonderful idea. A few hours later she went downstairs and announced to the family, “I want to open a florist”. She purchased a tiny property with a large front yard and set up shop. snapshot_c07a927a_a18f45e1 Adelina proved to have a keen business sense and soon business was booming. snapshot_c07a927a_e18f4bfb Meanwhile, the family continued to expand. Amice had been hoping for a little girl, but she was still delighted when she gave birth to baby Jonny. snapshot_c07a927a_21a31b29 Read from the beginning

Chapter 36: Blast from the past

One day Adelina returned from school with a friend, a friend who seemed familiar to Simon.

The boy was a dead-ringer for his sister’s lost love, Ricky.


Everything about him seemed exactly the same.

Simon did what any big brother would do, he invited his sister around for tea, hoping she would see the resemblance herself. If the boy was some relation of the soldier she’d fallen in love with, he might be able to shed some light on what had happened all those years ago.


Anita, who was slightly older but just as beautiful as when she’d left the estate (living in nature had done her good) was making small talk with Marissa when Ricky entered the room.


Anita almost dropped her fork, was she seeing a ghost?


Then she recovered herself and stood up to greet him, laughing. “You remind me of someone,” she said.

“It must be my uncle, Ricky. He was a soldier, stationed here once,” he responded.


Anita was delighted to hear that and begged the young man to explain what had become of his uncle. The boy professed not to know, but said that he had been named after his uncle and that his name was also Ricky.


They made polite conversation for the rest of the evening, but as they spoke Anita began to suspect there was more to his story than he’d made out. His voice was identical to that of the man she’d almost married. He shared the same passions. Sometimes his look would linger on her.

After they’d parted, Anita couldn’t stop thinking about him. She asked Marissa to bring him to see her in private, so they could speak alone, which she did.


Anita took him to the edge of a nearby farm, where they could talk without any risk of interruption.

“I know it’s you,” she said as they arrived at the farm.


He started as if she’d given him a physical jolt.

They climbed from the cart.

“You’re not his nephew,” Antia said. “You’re him. I know it to be true, but I can’t explain it.”


He said nothing at first, and then eventually, “I can’t explain it either.”


“I’ve tried to find an answer for years”.


He took her silently to the nearby vegetable patch where he felt that he could speak his mind with no risk of being overheard. He explained that he’d been placed under a curse many years before.

“The curse prevents me aging,” he said.


Her response what not what he’d expected. She did not feign disbelief. Instead she pointed a finger at him accusingly.

“That’s why you disappeared the night before my coming-out party? I thought you were dead! Why didn’t you tell me?”


He could not bear the look of anguish on her face and sank to his haunches, burying his head in his hands. After a time he looked up at her.


“I’ve traveled the world, I’ve seen all there is to see. But I can never settle down, I can never raise a family.”snapshot_610665a1_81864249

“I am doomed to be an adolescent for all eternity.”

She lowered herself to his level, sitting in the dirt. “You could have told me.”


“All this time, I’ve thought you were dead.”

“I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” Ricky said. “That’s why I came to the house. I wanted to find out how your life had been. I expected you to still be living on the estate.”


Anita began to tell him about her life.

She told him about her unlikely pairing with Todd.


And she described her children.


“It seems things worked out for the best,” Ricky said.

Even though a part of her still loved Ricky, Anita realised that it had. She wouldn’t trade what she had with Todd and the girls for anything.

She stood up and gave Ricky a hug, saying she was glad he was alive and that she hoped he found a cure for his curse.


Ricky said he would like it very much if they could remain friends and Anita agreed.


As he walked away, she couldn’t help but wonder about what might have been.


Click here to read from the beginning.

Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of Ricky the un-age-able teen. 

Chapter 35: Dangerous brew

Amice and William’s second child was also a little boy


who they called Harry.


It was around about the time of his birth that the family discovered what that little machine that had been sitting on the bar for the last few years was used for – coffee!


They started to love coffee.


Love it.


LOVE it.


(Seriously, it became a bit of a problem).


Thankfully, James was immune to its seduction (being a child) and had the good sense to hide the machine when no one was looking, saving everyone from an endless cycle of drinking and peeing.


In time they’d come to understand the life they were missing out on when they were so terribly addicted.


The truly weird thing is that I had absolutely nothing to do with this addiction at all, despite it being truly historically accurate. The espresso maker has been there since the principal’s visit a generation ago and for some reason they suddenly discovered it now. Ah, Sims. You never fail to surprise me!

For those interested, the vintage coffee maker is from here.

Streets are now all cobbled thanks to Stev84’s Terrain Mod: Victorian Cobble Streets for Grass Neighbourhoods.

Chapter 34: Golden child

James grew into an adorable child who shared his mother’s blonde locks.


He also shared Amice’s pleasant nature and was very well loved.

snapshot_c07a927a_8181f1cfBy the time he was old enough to go to school, Amice was pregnant with a second child.


It was a happy time for everyone.


James thrived academically.


And he was good at sports.


But there was something ominous ‘brewing’…


Read from the beginning

All the custom clothes in this post are from All About Style.

Chapter 33: Family business

Amice was so excited about the expected bundle of joy that she wouldn’t stop talking about it to anyone who’d listen.


Late one night when she was down in the pantry getting herself a midnight snack, she went into labour!


She delivered a bouncing baby boy who they called James.


Everyone in the family was besotted with the child – to the point where Amice had to lock herself in the nursery to get any alone time with her son at all (and also so that poor James could get some sleep and not have relatives playing with and feeding him 24/7).


Meanwhile, Adelina had grown into a beautiful and ambitious young lady.


She enjoyed flower arranging.


She’d sworn to herself that she’d never be poor as her parents had been, so she decided to start selling her arrangements – even though the family had no need of any financial contribution from her at all.

Adelina had seen how volatile wealth could be and she feared that Marissa and Simon would pass away, leaving William – a falconer of all things – as the sole provider for his expanding family.

She set up a small flower shop at the edge of the property, selling her arrangements on weekends.


Start reading at the beginning

Adelina’s stunning dress is Teen Regency Dress from All About Style.

Chapter 32: Family matters

Amice settled in well with the rest of the family.

William took up a position as falconer for a local lord, which gave him the opportunity to study birds and spend time outdoors.

Amice spent her days reading

snapshot_c07a927a_a17e25f9 Or painting


Or taking the air by the pool.


One evening, when preparing to retire, she noticed she was looking rather pale. This surprised her as she’d been spending time outdoors.


The next morning she woke up feeling ill. She did some calculations in her head and realised she might know why.


She was due to go out for a walk with William later that day, so decided she’d broach the subject with him then. However, as they talked the subject left her mind. It was only as they returned the the house, when a wave of light-headedness hit her, that she remembered.

“William, there is something I would like to share with you,” she said.


And then she fainted.


William began to panic.


He called madly for help.


Then Amice stirred.


“Oh my darling!” William exclaimed. “Are you alright?”


“William…” Amice said weakly.

“Are you feeling ill?” He asked.

“William…” she said, with more strength.

“Was the walk too strenuous for you?” He asked.

“William!” Amice climbed to her feet. Before he could protest, she blurted out. “I think I’m pregnant”


William’s concern melted away into joy.


Of course he insisted that she get into bed and rest while they awaited confirmation from the doctor. He refused to move from her bedside until the word came.


Amice was with child!

Start reading at the beginning

Chapter 31: Wedding!

When Amice wrote to her father of her engagement, he was so delighted that he decided to sponsor a wedding gift (of her choosing) on top of her handsome dowry.

Amice elected to have the piece of land where William had proposed turned into a small lake that let out into a swimming pool. This gave William – who loved the outdoors – the ability go fishing whenever he desired…


Amice a pool to bathe in…



and the couple a beautiful location for the nuptials.

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William’s friends from the academy attended.


It was a stunning Spring wedding.




Amice’s wedding dress is Meryton Ball from AllAboutStyle.


Chapter 30: Amice

William graduated from Guildenstern Academy at the end of the year.


He parted reluctantly from his friends, with promises to write often and to invite them to visit at the estate.


His heart was not too heavy though. He was taking the girl he’d been courting, Amice, home to meet his family!

He introduced her to Marissa first.


Marissa was immediately impressed.


“You should marry this girl,” she said. “She’s good-natured, from a good family.”

William was doubtful at first – he was so young! But the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of having Amice join the family.


He took her for a picnic in the field beside the house.


And while they sat under the blue sky, he started making vague inquiries about whether her family would be open to the match.

She revealed that her father had already returned to her home country. She’d been meant to join him, but had elected to rather visit with William.


“I’d find it very difficult to be parted from you,” she confessed, colour rising in her cheeks.

William thought that was the perfect opening to get up on one knee…


Amice jumped to her feet in surprise. Then…


She said she’d be delighted to accept.

William was a bit concerned that he’d rushed things. He cared very deeply for her, but he feared he might not be ready for marriage.

I’m convinced William has found the prettiest NPC in the entire game. Amice’s outfit and hair is by JenFold.

Click here to start at Chapter 1.


Chapter 27: Where there’s a Will…

With Anita and the twins’ departure, Legacy Estate was quieter than it had been in years.


(With the exception of regular ghostly encounters).

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While Simon tried to impart as much wisdom as he could to his son, William was just not challenged enough and struggled academically.


The family wanted to send him to a local, highly-respected, tutor. Unfortunately the family had gained a reputation. With Anita’s bastard children and Marissa working (!) for her father, the tutor declared that this was “not the sort of family we want associated with our establishment”.


Marissa was upset and quite inconsolable at the thought that she was preventing her son from having the education he deserved. Luckily, as she was walking in the garden one night she came upon an old lamp…


As she examined it, she saw an engraving and attempted to rub some dirt away to see it.


A genie appeared!! It asked her what she wanted most in life and she said “peace of mind.” Her wish was instantly granted and she never worried about a thing again. (Although to some it might appear as if she had spent some time in an opium den, as she began to walk around with a little smile and a far off look in her eyes.)

William started to show a keen interest in the outdoors and as he grew it became clear that birds were a firm favourite.

snapshot_c07a927a_8177b6f0 snapshot_c07a927a_a177d28asnapshot_c07a927a_8177d76c

The family elected to send him away to the highly respected Guildenstern Academy to learn more about the animal world (and the world in general).


 Click here to start at the beginning