Chapter 10: The circle of life

One day while ashore from his trading, Orlando brought up the subject of children. He thought it was time to expand the family.


In little time, Abigail was pregnant.


Gwen was so delighted that she insisted on painting Abigail’s portrait (as the daughter who was continuing the line).


Gwen was beginning to age. She spent a lot of the day sleeping and started to become senile (forgetting tasks she’d been busy with or just wondering off). The family started to sense something was wrong. Talin was sure to spend as much time with her as possible. Abigail never left her side.

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Gwen wanted nothing more than to see the birth of her first grandchild. She got her wish. While the family was sitting reading one evening, Abigail went into labour.


She also gave birth to twins! A boy (“Simon”) and a girl (“Anita”).

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The family was so busy celebrating the birth of the twins that they didn’t notice another presence in the room… the Grim Reaper.

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It was Talin who first noticed him and started crying uncontrollably.



Slowly everyone else noticed as well.




The Grim Reaper had arrived with some hula girls and offered Gwen a cocktail as he escorted her to the afterlife.


Gwen’s dying wish had been for a tree (specifically one  that cost more than $200) so Talin granted it by planting a weeping willow at the end of the property. Gwen was laid to rest beneath it.


When her will was read, Talin received a large sum of money, both Abigail and Elizabeth did too (Abigail received $100 more than Elizabeth though, something Elizabeth would never forget), Gwen’s friend from her days at the tavern received a lump sum as well and the rest went to tiny Simon who had known his gran for mere seconds but was now the heir to her legacy.


 Click here to start at the beginning


Custom content 

Abigail’s green dress: Ann Boleyn Emerald Silk from All About Style 
Orlando’s outfit: Walter Raleigh from All About Style
Medieval maternity wear by sunni9676
Orlando’s nightie: Gentlemen’s Antique Linen Nightshirt by Aligeth
Window seat: Nook living
Old-fashioned table: Pirate Bay Market by Kate on Parsimonious
Abigail’s mourning outfit: Anne of Aragon
Elizabeth’s mourning outfit: Kathryn Howard



Chapter 6: Dramarama

The drama in the Legacy household continues…

After the Orlando Incident, Elizabeth stayed angry at Abigail for ages. Abigail had merely expressed an interest in Orlando and she really felt the  punishment was not befitting of the crime. She started to resent her sister and it was not an uncommon sight in their halls to find the two shoving each other or even slapping each other.


Since she thought she had nothing to lose, Abigail began seeing Orlando in secret. It turned out that she really liked him.In fact she liked him more than any of the other young men who’d shown an interest in her.


And there had been quite a few.

Both her and Elizabeth had studied physiology – so they were fit, healthy, good-looking ladies. They were also true renaissance sims, well-versed in the arts and capable in the sciences (if you count fixing the odd broken faucet a science). Elizabeth in particular – being less shy than her sister – found herself the subject of much male attention.


Apart from being shy, Abigail also had a less pleasing nature. She had a sharp, dry wit and she could be sarcastic. She was also mischievous and liked playing tricks on people. This kind of behavior didn’t make her many friends.

The family started going to church (the missionaries had arrived on the continent of Sim and built a little church in their village). Talin, being the upstanding citizen he was (and being well on the way to becoming a paladin) would sometimes preach.

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One such day, Abigail had a verbal sparring match with a friend of Elizabeth’s called Alvin. Alvin was offended, so she attempted to cheer him up with a practical joke. It backfired and he became angry, shoving her in a most undignified manner. Just before she slapped him, her mother intervened. Gwen tried to encourage Abigail to be nice. Following her mother’s advice, Abigail tried to apologise to Alvin… by hugging him (did I mention that Abigail is a bit socially awkward). He misinterpreted her gesture and spurred her. She attempted this several times, with Gwen constantly encouraging her and Alvin became increasingly angry. Eventually, when he was on the point of physical violence, Gwen shepherded her family home.

Elizabeth, still angry about Abigail’s betrayal (not even knowing that she was still seeing Orlando), wrote to Alvin and invited him to call upon her. She began flirting shamelessly with him, thinking that him courting her would make her sister mad.


It worked. Abigail caught them together in the drawing room and became quite irate. How could her sister date a complete loser like Alvin? How could Alvin dare come into her home and touch her sister? Abigail and Alvin attacked each other and it was clear almost immediately that they were destined to be arch nemeses.


Elizabeth was delighted that her trick had worked… but there was a problem. She’d fallen for Alvin!


Click here to start at the beginning

Custom content

Twin nighties: Teen Regency Shift from All About Style
Elizabeth’s orange dress: Orange Brocade by All About Style
Abigail’s purple dress: Teen Purple Gown by All About Style
Church stuff from Shadows of Gwrych Medieval Neighborhood  by StephSim
Talin’s outfit: Rococo for him by lidiqnata
Gwen’s outfit: Layered Medieval Dresses by iamliz13 


Chapter 3: Hard times

When Gwen arrived on the continent of Sim, she’d been bursting with a mixture of wild excitement and hope. Her plan seemed easy enough. How difficult could farming be? And besides, the government back home had promised arable land and pleasant weather.


Her first hint of what lay ahead came when some neighbours arrived from down the lane to welcome her to the neighbourhood*. No sooner had they helped themselves to some of the contents of her pantry, then they started talking about the weather, pointing out the nip in the air. A gentleman by the name of Talin who worked in the castle kitchens saw how this talk upset her, and attempted to cheer her up with a joke. She did not take kindly to it and politely asked them all to leave – she had work to do.


Gwen started to work the land the best she knew how, beginning with a small vegetable patch outside her front door, but it was a laborious process and far more time-consuming than she’d first anticipated.  One day, while she was at the end of the lot collecting the mail, a handsome stranger came by. They struck up a conversation. His name was Waylon and he was a valet de chambre to the duke**. He came past the house quite often, and they would write to each other. Gwen sensed romance in their future, yet Waylon would make no move to confirm his feelings. At one stage she took his hand but he snatched it back and told her she was being improper.

The days grew colder and Gwen ran out of food. Her crops were yet to ripen and she had no choice but to find work at the local tavern as a wench.


This shamed her greatly as it was, but then Waylon came in one night with some other staff from the castle and saw her there. She thought she would die of shame.

Life was difficult, but it wasn’t all bad. Talin, the gentleman who worked in the castle kitchens, would write to her often, sharing tales from the duke’s household, and one of the women who’d worked beside Gwen at the tavern, would often stop by after her shifts.

Gwen took the meager earnings from the tavern and bought herself food and an easel, thinking that perhaps she could paint some of the views from her clifftop cottage (where the wind constantly howled) and sell them for coin. She was, after all, living at the dawn of the renaissance. Her work was scorned and this embarrassed her further [she lost a ton of aspiration points for selling a bad work of art].


She was under the impression that she was just scraping by, when the tax man showed up. She had paid her taxes, but had done so too late. He took some of her furniture as payment; a blow it would be difficult to recover from.


She was standing in her vegetable garden weeping, when Talin happened to pass by.

He ran up to her and took her in his arms. He had a solution to her financial troubles. They could wed. He had some money saved, enough to fix up the house. She protested that that wasn’t a good enough reason for marriage and that she would not want to make her burdens his. But he would have none of it. He was in love with her, he said. Had been since they’d first met (why did she think he kept writing to her?). She realised that she was in fact very fond of him as well. They agreed to wed within the month.


Snow began to fall on the eve of their wedding and by the time the dawn came a thick, white, blanket covered everything. The couple were not deterred however, with Talin joking that it was a white wedding indeed.

They had just said their vows when who should show up but Waylon. He felt betrayed by Gwen. How could she marry someone else when he had such feelings for her?


Gwen was angry, for how was she to know? She had not seen him at all since he’d caught her working in the tavern. He had spurned her affections almost entirely. The two fought [she actually attacked him and they had it out physically with Talin being rather concerned for her safety, but somehow that doesn’t really fit with the story of a medieval woman] and Gwen ended up paying him to leave them alone. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone,” he said, “for now” and he left them to enjoy the rest of their wedding. They did not have cake or champagne or music, but somehow their small ceremony was a “roof raiser” (perhaps the fight had something to do with it?) and the guests all left very happy.

Gwen was more upset than she let on about what had happened with Waylon. She secretly cried to herself about it, but she put those feelings aside so she could settle into married life with Talin.



(Waylon would return every day for months afterwards to steal their newspaper, but they never caught him.)

[“And what is a newspaper anyway?” ask the medieval Sims in confusion]

Click here to start at the beginning

*I hit a problem with illustrations here because random townies are dressed in modern clothes so appologies for the text-heaviness of this installment. 

** Actually he was a “host” but since restaurants don’t exist and he doesn’t work at the local tavern, for the purposes of this story he can work at the castle. 

Custom content

Tavern is part of the Duchy Township from  Shadows of Gwrych Medieval Neighborhood  by StephSim
Tavern uniforms from sunni9676’s Taverns & Alehouses NPC replacement pack
Tax man‘s uniform from sunni9676’s commoners NPC replacement pack

Gwen’s clothing

Peasant dress: Peasant Dress from All About Style
Tavern dress: From sunni9676’s Taverns & Alehouses NPC replacement pack
Wedding dressAntique Cream Linen Chemise by Aligeth
Veil: Top piece is Cream Veil from All About Style with mesh by Rosesims (Accessories page 4), bottom is Long Veil, also from All About Style.

Talin’s clothing

Green tunic: Medieval and Renaissance Doublets and Hose in Rugged Style  by Aligeth
Wedding attire: Rococo for him by lidiqnata


Chapter 1: Welcome to the new world

Any good story needs a good setting. For this challenge I created a new neighbourhood and modded it to make it as medieval as possible*. List of mods with links below.


Welcome to Gwrychenville, a little duchy on the newly discovered continent of Sim. It doesn’t have much of a population yet but after ten generations of Sims that’s bound to change. If you are new to this blog, please check the About page to find out more about the challenge.


Life is pretty simple in Gwrychenville with the population either surviving off the land or working in the castle. A central market place lets the local farmers and bakers sell their surplus and a tavern provides an opportunity for social interaction.

Merchants peddle more expensive goods to the wealthier citizens and a tailor will manufacture almost any clothing from exotic fabrics… if the price is right.

 town square

Custom content for Gwrychenville:

Global mods:


New Careers


I loaded some new careers for medieval sims, but might add more. The problem with custom careers is they’re huge to download and often buggy, so I’ll be testing these out first:

I will be making use of the Job Seeking Noticeboard by MogHughson to ensure Sims are only offered era-appropriate work and since the newspaper job search is glitchy. There is also a historic version.


I also used a patch that stops sims wanting Maxis jobs and aspiring to them. It therefore prevents anyone being born in the 1500s wanting to be a video game designer as their lifetime aspiration.

*Note:  Sim Medieval Times are a bit different to our own – not everything will be era appropriate because sometimes functionality is essential to the Sims survival (Sims without a bed for eg, not a good idea) and sometimes anachronistic items just look right.